Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 6

Despite the fact that I have only cycled 10 km today, it was just the most exciting day for us.  We went to and did two school presentations to students.
I would Like to thank the principals of both W.J. Baird Public School in Blenheim and Wheatly Area Public School.  The students were great.  Not only were they polite to tolerate my unscripted presentation, they asked some great questions.
I also had the opportunity to speak with and interview one of the teachers who actually has a 19 year old daughter who has been misdiagnosed with Lyme for approximately 7 years.  Interviewing her was a like stepping back in time on what I have gone through.  As she kept speaking, she kept bringing things that the good side of my brain had suppressed from my memory.  All the horrific issues that I dealt with many years ago were such a parallel to the struggle and hardships that she has had to endure.  To speak to a 19 year young woman with such a positive attitude and healthy sense of purpose and determination was such an inspiring thing.  Watching her speak (and you will on the blog shortly) reflected the exact same feelings that made me so determined to put Cycle For Lyme together.  The greatest thing I gained today was a very graphic reflection of what I have gone through in the past two decades, from someone else's eyes. 
The only downside to the day is that I so wanted to put another 10 or 15 km on the bike this evening, but between a wind off Lake Erie and the rain, I am going to have to call 10 km a success - I believe it was. 


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